Table A-12.  Material" Code Dictionary (after Howes et al. 1994)

A = Anthropogenic [Example]

a       metal (structural)

c       concrete (loose blocks)

d       debris (man-made)

f        fill, undifferentiated mixed

o       concrete (solid cement blocks)

r        rubble, rip rap

t        logs (cut trees)

w       wood (structural)

B = Biogenic [Examples]

c       coarse shell

f        fine shell hash

g       grass on dunes

l        dead trees (fallen, not cut)

o       organic litter

p       peat

t        trees (living)

C = Clastic [Example]

(strike-out items out are no longer used but remain for reference)

a       angular blocks (>25cm diameter)

b       boulders (rounded, subrounded,>25cm)

c       cobbles

d       diamicton (poorly-sorted sediment containing a range of particles in a mud matrix)

f        fines/mud (mix of silt/clay, <0.0.63 mm diameter)

g       gravel (unsorted mix pebble, cobble, boulder >2 mm)

k        clay (compact, finer than fines/mud, <4 mm diameter)

p       pebbles

r        rubble (boulders>1 m diameter)

s       sand (0.063 to 2 mm diameter)

$       silt (0.0039 to 0.063 mm)

x       angular fragments (mix of block/rubble)

v       sediment veneer (used as modifier)

R = Bedrock [Example]

rock type:

i           igneous

m        metamorphic

s          sedimentary

v          volcanic

rock structure:

1          bedding

2          jointing

3          massive


(Simplified from Wentworth grain sizescale)


boulder            > 25 cm diameter

cobble             6 to 25 cm diameter

pebble             0.5 cm to 6 cm diam


very fine to very coarse:

         0.063 mm to 2 mm diameter


includes silt and clay

silt        0.0039 to 0.063 mm

clay     <0.0039 mm


sand / silt                  63 mm (0.063 mm)

pebble / granule       0.5 cm (5 mm)

cobble / pebble         6 cm

boulder / cobble       25 cm


WB   wooden bulkhead

BR    boat ramp

CB    concrete bulkhead

LF     landfill

SP    sheet pile

RR    riprap

% are 0-10 (default value 0)

Note: The material" descriptor consists of one primary term code and associated modifiers (e.g. Cash). If only one modifier is used, indicated material comprises 75% of the volume of the layer (e.g. Cs). If more than one modifier is used, they are ranked in order of relative volume. A surface layer can be described by prefix v for veneer (e.g. vCs/R). Grayed items are not used in the Alaska ShoreZone program.