The Urchin Barrens (URC) Bioband


Bio-band Name

Database Label


Indicator Species*

Physical Description


Associate Species*


Urchin Barrens


Underwater, coralline white

Strongylocentrotus franciscanus

Shows rocky substrate clear of macroalgae. Often has a pink-white colour of encrusting coralline red algae. May or may not see urchins.

SP-SE, current

Urchin Barrens (URC) surround this Semi-Protected islet off Edge Point, Mary Island. Individual Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (red sea urchin) are visible in excavated holes etched out of the underlying bedrock.

Urchin Barrens (URC), and even individual urchins, are visible here in the underwater zone below a canopy of Macrocystis (MAC) and Nereocystis (NER) on a Southeastern islet in the Percy Islands.



Bioarea SECR

Bioarea SECR

* Indicator Species: The dominant species in a bioband and usually what the bioband is named for (eg. Barnacles = Barnacle bioband or BAR).
Associated Species: Species commonly found within a given bioband. These are based on known life histories of these species and ground observations. For more detailed information on associated species and regional differences see the Shore Station database (